Founded by the World's First and Only FIRST Students

World’s first and only online FIRST learning platform!

prepared by FIRST students

World’s first and only online FIRST learning platform!

Course Categories


FRC Mechanics

The mechanics department is responsible for the design and construction of the robot. Are you one of those who say “I can build a robot!” Then this place is for you! You can check out our videos to learn the secret tips of robot mechanisms like the Drivetrain, Elevator and Shooter!

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FRC Electronics

It's time to bring your robot to life! Although not as much as Frankenstein, we need electricity for this. The systems you create need to be connected to each other, and most importantly, to the power source. If you are curious about how to connect your components, you can check our videos! Be careful about negative and positive cable ends!

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FRC Software

A robot with just mechanical construction cannot perform a task without software. If you are curious about "How can we make our robot move, how do our robots sense the environment, etc," our FRC Software videos are a great starting point for you!

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FRC Team Management

This area, also known as PR in some teams, plays a big role in your team's management, planning and organization. With this business management training, you can learn in-depth how a team works, from budget planning to media management!

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FLL Hardware

Lego pieces are a lot of fun, especially when you make robots out of them! If you're wondering how to build a robot with Lego parts, and use sensors and motors, you can get detailed information and learn the tricks in this tutorial!

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FLL Software

Every robot must have software as well as hardware. If you want to command your robot and make it move, you can learn the functions of blocks of different colors in this tutorial and how to program a robot consisting of Legos!

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FLL Core Values

Presenting in front of the jury is not an easy task! Our videos where we first learn about FLL Core Values, then prepare posters and even prepare for jury presentations are waiting for you! Of course, when you discover these videos, don't forget to apply them with your team, because it's much more fun when a little teamwork is put into everything!

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About Us

How about doing lessons with a 200 cm white teddy bear? Professor Nazif's videos in accordance with FIRST values are here!

  • Student based
  • 1.5-15 Minute Videos
  • FRC and FLL lessons
  • 12 Different subfields
About Us